Thursday 10 February 2011

Photos of Photos of Costumes

It feels more than a little strange taking photos of photos.

The photobook catalogue-thing arrived today and I'm really rather pleased with it.

After the Designer suggested I should have photos of past commissions and assorted other absent costumes with me when manning a stall, we wondered about the various options. A slideshow was suggested but power supply is hardly guaranteed when you're predominately a larp trader. We toyed with having an album with traditional photos in it or a home printed catalogue and after much vacillation (and math) decided on the above.

It's a tidy little photobook, roughly A5-sized, good to stand on a stall at events (like Nerd East, which is happening sometime in June). There's just over thirty pages to it. The whole thing took two fretty, sleepless night to arrange and perfect. The web-based programme was easy enough to use and was very friendly up until I wanted to put text in. Then aligning it became a nightmare as there was no way to zoom in or institute a snap-to grid. Much squinting and finger-crossing later, it looks regular enough.

(For those who are wondering, that's the black cassock, triple-caped coatsteampunk waistcoat and laced gambeson in the photos.)

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