Monday 20 September 2010

Turquoise Drop Front Gown

This drop front gown is made from a coarse turquoise linen. It takes obvious cues from the gaulle worn by Keira Knightly as the titular character in The Duchess. Historically speaking we're somewhere between the chemise dresses of the eighteenth century and high-waisted empire gowns of the Regency (not unakin to this Portrait of Madame Emilie Seriziat and her Son), but I hesitate to say that this gown is itself any way actually accurate. We used some lovely but perhaps inappropriate cog-ish buttons which will probably be replaced in due course. The gown is lined in a light cotton. The dress is worn with a wide stretch velvet sash (a little on the short side, bought off a wedding shop) and a black shawl.

In terms of location, we revisit again my all-time favourite tree just outside the village, despite the occasion being significantly less elven. The sun seemed to be in a good mood and the colours came out rather more on the saturated side. We did the photos in something of a hurry before the camera ran out of battery, so perhaps better shots another day.

To commission one like it from the mercenary would cost in the region of £60.

More photos of the turquoise drop-front dress under the cut.

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