Friday 9 July 2010

Odyssey Concept Sketches: Persia II

More sketches from the fantastical classical world of Odyssey. We seem to be covering Persia again, which is perhaps unsurprising given our shared affinity to purple and silly hats.

When watching the excessively long Alexander Revisits: The Final Unrated Cut with the Designer, I became rather taken with the dancing outfit Roxana (or to give her her Persian name, Rauxnaka, "little star") wore. It was beautifully swishy, but due to the nature of the scene, she was rarely still in it and only after taking some screencaptures and squinting at them excessively was I able to draw the purple version of it seen to the left. It's a little strange since the garment is drawn in motion and the figure seems stationary, but I think the concept of the dancing coat is conveyed.

The giant winged amulet of the Persian priest to the right is rather excessive, but it seemed, like many things, a good idea at the time. He is wearing a short tunic and the "trademark voluminous trousers" of Persia.

The metallic gold and silver details haven't come out quite right in the scans (incidentally, Pilot's Gold Marker is superior to Bic's Metallic Gel pens, though if one must use a metallic gel pen, Hybrid's flows better and has a slightly better sheen.)

Looking back, we've covered Egypt, Carthage, Greece and Persia (again). It does seem Rome is getting insufficient love, so I may well be attempting to scribble in that direction shortly.

For other Odyssey costuming inspiration: Silver Screen Modiste has a lovely collection of concept sketches from films about classical Rome and Egypt. and Clothes on Film have several articles on the costumes in the recent Prince of Persia film.

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