Wednesday 23 June 2010

Angel Blue Gown

More photos from the forgotten pile, discovered as during the archiving and indexing was going on.

There's something about this dress and the way these shots are staged that draws my mind to the Pre-Raphaelites, but perhaps that's just because I've been dabbling in designs from Waterhouse recently. The dress is really too long, made from an angel blue cotton damask. It's unlined and is trimmed with yellow silk velvet trim and is worn over a long white linen chemise. I would describe it as Tudor-ish around the edges, perhaps High Medieval, but decidedly fantasy.

The model is wearing the same tiny pendant-watch as seen with the Burgundy Velvet Gown and the same chemise.

To commission a dress in similar materials from the Mercenary would cost in the region of £80.

More photos under the cut.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!!! *-*
    I love PRB!!! :D
    very beautiful!
    congrats!! ^^
