Sunday 30 May 2010

Preview: Blaming the Weather

The weather has been abysmal of late (or rather whenever Loretta and I have had time to do a photoshoot). It's been raining, the skies have been grey and the rumble of thunder never seeming far away. Thus, instead of waiting for a day of sunshine, we did some quickly indoors in front of a conveniently white wall. I'm trying to think of this as a quick glimpse of what's been made recently rather than an explosion of inferior photography.

A good number of the following are commissions (hopefully, I'll be able to write more extensively about each in the near future) and not being modeled by the person they're commissioned for, they don't fit very well. The items will probably be bundled into parcels (and taken to Maelstrom) before long, so later writeups may simply have to rely on a less-than-ideal photo.

Under the cut, we have brief looks at a chiton, a huge tattercoat (with silver lining and mismatched buttons), striped white cotton brocade overcoat, a green coat, two only slightly different red velvet coats, a bustle dress that is currently giving me a headache, a steampunk waistcoat (based on the steampunk coat), a black coat with patterned fabric.

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