Saturday 22 May 2010

The Buttons of Chaos

I confess there isn't some sort of secret Warhammer 40k agenda or quota this blog has to meet (and it is getting excessive), but the Mercenary couldn't not post these buttons with the Symbol of Chaos on them. I don't really have anything concrete, but some cultist robes are taking shape in my mind.


  1. "I confess there isn't some sort of secret Warhammer 40k agenda or quota this blog has to meet"

    Sure, you say that NOW.

    *steeples fingers*

  2. WHERE DID YOU GET THEM!!!????!!!!

    They'd be perfect for a non-costume jacket I'm making ^_^

  3. Po Fai Ho Garment Accessories Wholesale in ShamShuiPo in Hong Kong. Or I can pop some in a envelope for you. Drop me an email?

  4. I think these are truly awesome... *ponders costume potentiality*
