Sunday 21 February 2010

The Red Rose Coat

The Red Rose Coat is made from a thick purple/red-coloured wool-linen. The small metal buttons are rose-shaped and there are three of them down the cuffs and around the back. The slit is also buttoned all the way down the back. It was briefly considered that the buttons around the front should be larger, but the Designer feels that it works the way it is.

The design was inspired by the spate of double-breasted military jackets that have been flooding mainstream fashion and various historical riding habits, but instead of a black-and-brass jacket, it was made in this striking red with silver rose buttons and with a much longer back.

Due to a misplacing of the silver eyelets, the entirely decorative eyelets are in brass - an unfortunate error, but it doesn't seem to negatively impact the coat hugely.

The sleeves are roughly three quarters in length, a design decision made when I was in the warm winter of Hong Kong. It allows one to show off the large sleeves and cuffs of a shirt or long gloves worn under, but it unfortunately does lead to cold wrists when not wearing gloves.

For all the Alice-in-Wonderland-esque nature of the photos, the red rose coat pictured has nothing to do with any of the beautiful costumes from the upcoming Tim Burton film. The Designer and myself were doing the photoshoot behind Durham Cathedral and we came across a building with an unusually small door. Inspiration (the quality of which is questionable) struck and a series of photos with a vaguely Alice's Adventures in Wonderland feel to them, due to the coincidence of pocket watch, glass-bottle-on-silver-chain and smaller than average door.

The Red Rose Coat is worn with a black brocade underskirt (about three petticoats) and the white linen shirt with brass screw-adorned buttons (previously seen under the Steampunk Dress).

To commission a similar coat from the Costume Mercenary would cost in the region of £120.

Due to positive feedback, a male version of this coat is on the drawing board.

Many more photos under the cut.


  1. Hello, I have never seen a coat so beautiful and fascinating, really caught my attention. I think that I am going to purchase your tip and wear something good for me.

  2. what a beautiful coat, i absolutely love the design and the colour.

    just simply beautiful!
