Thursday 20 January 2011

Tooled Notebooks

Whilst looking for a (belated) Christmas present for a friend, I ended up in conversation with a lovely woman whose surname happened to be a homophone of mine (yet another detail that is not longer hilarious after the fact). Some negotiation later, I had walked away with a number of notebooks with hand-tooled leather covers. They're quite nice and first few of these will be available at Character Kit for £13 each.

I had sourced the embossed leather-cover books (£5 from Character Kit) some time ago for the Proprietor and the various clockwork globe watches. We've no idea if these will sell, but we shall see.

In Other News: The books, along with many other things will be going to the York Science Fiction and Fantasy Society Convention this weekend. Or more specifically, on the Sunday morning. We should also be going (with Character Kit, of course) to the Roundhouse Trading Kit Fair in March.

More photos of the leather notebooks under the cut.

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