Wednesday 6 October 2010

Pocketwatches and Other Things that Aren't Clothes

Various bits of clothing production seem cursed of late (or perhaps certain designs are just somehow cosmically doomed), so instead of posting about progress on that front, I thought to share some of the non-clothing ventures of the Mercenary.

These pocket watches (though technically they're more watch pendants) first appeared at night markets around here two years ago. I'm proud to say that I've finally tracked down a supplier and they're coming with us to Foreign Fields in October and will hopefully be on the Character Kit website around the same time. [edit: the globe watches are now available for £20]

The clockwork watch pendants wind up, its ticking, whirring mechanism visible (and magnified) by the glass globe. It has Roman numerals on the clock-face and comes with a brass chain. There are a few more photos of the glass globe watch pendants under the cut.

Above are some tool rolls. The Designer thought after the tool roll we did attached to the thief's gambeson, we could try doing a run of them separately. The above prototypes are in beige cotton-denim and brown faux suede, each with little brass buttons (there will be, in due course, a selection of button designs), a long tab for tying up the roll and a belt loop. Now all I have to do is to find some tools to fit into it. Maybe some test tubes? [edit: tool rolls are now also available from Character Kit]

The I-Am-Not-Evil claws are rather classic evil overlord (or perhaps over-evil lord). We've not got many of them in (though I do believe they are all skull-bedecked), but they were rather intriguing and we thought we'd see how well they sell (or not). Perhaps someone would like it as an accessory as they wield something from Character Kit's flaming-skull-themed Chaos range.

In Other News: I've learnt more about different sorts of traditional rice hats than originally thought possible. More on that in a different post.

More photos of the pocket watches:

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