Thursday 5 August 2010

Red and Black Chiton

The Red and Black Chiton was, unsurprisingly, designed with the live roleplay system Odyssey. Whilst the Costume Mercenary has been daydreaming much more ambitious costumes in the costume sketches, this particularly giant robe is quite modest in design.

The chiton is just a giant rectangle of a robe belted in. It is made of black and red linen, with many metal buttons.

The prototype has been sold. If you would like to commission one like it, it would cost £40-45. And that's the Chinese Jian again in the Proprietor's hands.

More photos of the red and black chiton under the cut.

In Other News: Blue Peter visited Peckforton Castle Treasure Trap (direct ancestor to our local DUTT) in 1983 and you can watch what happened in what is quite possibly the best YouTube video known to man.

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