Monday 3 May 2010

Aquila: Buttons of the Imperium

The picture rather speaks for itself. I was in Sham Shui Po today and found these rather excellent buttons with the Aquila on them. They come in two sizes and two colours (brass and gunmetal). The 3 in the middle of the button is a little odd, but in both live roleplay contexts I can immediately think of (40k and of course, Maelstrom's Freiboden) it can be easily seen as part of regimental insignia of some sort.

Keep a weather eye on the blog, as this is the sort of button we design coats around.

What do you think of the buttons?


  1. These are super awesome!

    I note they have little crowns on them, so they might work better for the Mill-enese than the Freiboden... :D

    - Tillymint, player of Jeanne Tuille, Free Merchant of Freiboden

  2. What I think of the buttons? I think I want a few...

  3. Damned crowns. Failed to notice those. Though I'm told that Mill-enese corpses are a reasonable source of Freiboden accessories.
