Saturday 23 January 2010

The Journey Begins

The Costume Mercenary is making ready to embark upon an exciting journey to Northampton, to the Unconventional Market this Sunday. The Market's blurb describes itself as:
A new “one stop shop” for all alternative requirements, squarely aimed at people with a lifestyle, belief system, or any interesting pursuit which is not really catered for by the mainstream retail outlets.
Bringing together specialist traders and craftspeople who supply Pagans, Goths, Witches, Wicca, Re-enactors, Faeries, Role Players, Mind Body; Spirit Events, and those drawn to the Alternative, the Paranormal, and Supernatural.
Northampton, incidentally, is a black hole of transport links. Unless one is possessed of a car or lives in Milton Keynes (or London), it is nigh impossible to get to. I'm setting off at twelve thirty today with the proprietor of Character Kit and won't be arriving until the early morning of Sunday. I'll write more about how long bus journeys drive me to insanity it when I get back.

On the offchance that any readers of the blog are in the vicinity, do stop by and say hi.

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