Sunday 20 December 2009

The Elven Robes and the Forest Cloak Again

The Elven Robes are meant for a man, so perhaps modelling them on me for the purposes of a preview is a substandard idea. Frankly, it doesn't fit me and looks rather silly for that very reason. But there was no man at hand and elves all wear robes with flowing sleeves, it seemed reasonable logic at the time to put the garment on me.

Needless to say there's more than a smudge of influence from Lord of the Rings. Especially in the sleeve department.

The green robes are, in all honesty, much better than the yellow ones. The yellow (ala "High Elf") fake suede isn't as soft as the green (it's more of a forest green and less of a teal in reality) so the sleeves are a tad stiff. Perhaps it speaks of the elven condition, but less good for wearing.

The trim on both the yellow robes and the Forest Cloak have golden ivy leaves on it and it's quite pretty, though as said, the flow of the robe is somewhat disappointing.
This is one of the early diagrams for the elven robe. Loose-fitting with a mandarin collar. In the sketching of this, it did occur to us that modern depictions of elven clothing do borrow from Chinese and Japanese clothing. Princess Nuala's outfits in The Golden Army do bear more than a passing resemblance to a kimono with a corset on top.

Without further ado... more photos under the cut.

Update: The Forest Cloak and the Elven Coat are now available from Character Kit.


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